How to Connect a Portable Generator to a House Without transfer switch – Which Method Should I Use?

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The main purpose of a generator transfer switch is to switch the power coming from the utility company to the generator power automatically and amazingly. but here we will explore  how to connect a portable generator to a house without a transfer switch

Because of this feature of a transfer switch, power is never interrupted, and your household appliances will not be damaged by restarting and shutting down again and again when the power comes back.

You can have the GTS through the National Electrical Code (NEC). 


How to Connect A Portable Generator to A House without a Transfer Switch?How to Connect a Portable Generator to a House Without transfer switch

First, you need to shut down the main power source if you want to connect a generator to the house wiring. After that connect a heavy-duty extension cord and plug it into the dedicated outlet outside of your home.

Then check that the generator switch wiring is in the correct order. And from there you may plug all your devices and appliances into an extension cord.

Normally, a transfer switch is placed on the exact same panel box for the generator. A switch comes with a dual pole breaker, which means it is either in the ON or OFF position.

The purpose of installing a transfer switch is that the main power supply to the house will be off when it’s getting power from the generator.


5 Proven Methods of Connecting Generator To House Without Transfer Switch

  1. Connection Through a Power Inverter.
  2. Connection Through Relay.
  3. Connection Direct to the Main Electrical Panel.
  4. Connection Through Breaker Box.
  5. Connection Through Transfer Switch.


1-Connection Through a Power Inverter:

To provide power to your home appliances, a power inverter would be the most efficient and easy way to connect to your home. The power inverter transforms DC power coming from the generator into AC power which is used by home appliances.

The power inverter comes with a transfer switch which you just need to place in an order to get authentic and required power at a time. In case of a power outage, you only set the transfer switch on a generator and start it to provide AC power to use.

The best feature of the power inverter is that it automatically breaks the connection when the power from the utility company is restored. But make sure to always set the transfer switch to “Auto” or “Normal” state otherwise you will be wasting all your generator fuel for no reason.


2-Connection Through Relay:

There is another option to connect your generator to the house by using a relay. A relay is a device that is used to interrupt the power supply to the house appliances. Using a relay, you can connect your generator to your house load and make the device switch ON and OFF automatically.


3-Connection Direct to the Main Electrical Panel:

There is another method to connect your generator to your house without being used by a transfer switch by just wiring it directly to the main electric panel. But it is not recommended and is such a dangerous method. You may connect your generator directly to the main electric panel just by using a sub-panel.


4-Connection Through Breaker Box:

This is one of the cheapest methods to connect your generator to the house with the breaker box. The question arises here, How to connect a generator to a breaker box? You can connect your generator by having a separate breaker with a wire. In case of emergency, the main breaker will resist the power supply to the generator.


5-Connection through Transfer Switch:

This is truly the safest way to use a generator with a transfer switch. The transfer switch connects the generator to the main electrical panel of your house.

The feature of the transfer switch is to interrupt the power supply to the house when the utility power resumes and convert it to the main electrical panel.


How to Connect Portable Generator to a house without a transfer switch? Step by Step


By following the steps given below you can connect your generator to your house without a transfer switch.

  • Step 1: First, shut off the main circuit breaker of your house. By doing this, you will be safe to work with your generator without getting any shock. For more safety, you can also shut off the main power as well.
  • Step 2: There is a metal box on the pole of the utility pole, which you can find on the side of your house. There is the main breaker inside that metal box which you should need to power off.
  • Step 3: After turning off the main breaker from the utility pole, you must switch off the “Main Breaker” of your house as well which you can find in your main electrical panel if you don’t find any labeled “Main” then go and turn all the breakers before doing work.
  • Step 4: Now find the main wire connected to your house, which must be a large-sized copper wire. First, disconnect the wire connected to the breaker box. You may do it by unscrewing the clamp attached to the side of the wire. Through which you will be able to pull the wire out easily.
  • Step 5: Then unscrew the square metal connector that is attached to the wire with the help of a flat screwdriver.
  • Step 6: Then connect the wire from the mainline with the black wire coming from the generator. That will be powered for the transfer switch to work.
  • Step 7: Then connect the white wire from the mainline to the white wire of the generator.
  • Step 8: After that, connect the ground wire from the mainline with the ground wire coming from the generator.
  • Step 9: Then connect the red wire coming from the generator to the main breaker and let the main breaker off.
  • Step 10: Yes, you are done! The generator is now wired to your house. Now you can turn the main breaker on and start your generator. But always follow the manufacturer’s instructions before working on any electrical project.
  • Step 11: After setting all up, turn on the main breaker. Now all the lights should be ON otherwise you may have a loose wire connection.


How to Connect Portable Generator to a house with a transfer switch? Step by StepHow to Connect Portable Generator to a house with a transfer switch

The best generator always starts and stops in an hour of need or in response to the power demand. This is the reason to install a generator transfer switch at the main electric supply box.

The transfer switch does not only provide a power supply but also provides the required protection as well.


Here are the following steps to connect a portable generator to a house by using a transfer switch.

  • Step 1: Shut off the main power from the main circuit breaker.
  • Step 2: Open the box of the main circuit breaker.
  • Step 3: Find out the neutral and ground wires from the main circuit breaker box.
  • Step 4: After finding out the neutral and ground wires, remove the cover of the panel box.
  • Step 5: Note down the color of the wires that connected the generator to the main circuit breaker then unscrew the wire nuts.
  • Step 6: Disconnect the generator.
  • Step 7: Then remove screws from the circuit breaker box.
  • Step 8: Pull out the breaker and push a new one.
  • Step 9: Using wire nuts, connect the generator to the main circuit breaker.
  • Step 10: After opening the circuit breaker main cover turn it on.
  • Step 11: Then put the cover back again to the circuit breaker box.
  • Step 12: Now, turn on the power to the house and test-check that the power is moving to the house.
  • Step 13: Then, make sure that the generator does not have power through the main circuit breaker box and check the panel box as well.
  • Step 14: In the previous step, we checked through the panel box, now Check the main circuit breaker box to see that your generator does not have power from the main breaker.
  • Step 15: After checking everything, you are good to go.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

For more information about transfer switches and their connection, Read the following ones.


Do I Really Need a Generator Transfer Switch?

A Generator transfer switch allows you to provide power to your house from a generator safely. In all areas, such a device needs a code, and this is the reason that most people are not familiar with it.

There is a device named GTS, its main work is to refrain your generator from back-feeding to the grid. You must have this device otherwise you are violating the NEC code.


Can I Install a generator transfer switch by myself?

Without any doubt, yes you can, you may have many DIY kits available in the market. But as per recommendation, you must hire a licensed electrician for good installation.

On the other hand, if you are an experienced one then you can install a generator transfer switch by yourself. But again, you must have the proper tools when you start to install the switch. You must gather all your courage before doing this job.


What is better? A generator transfer switch or an Interlock?

During an event of a short circuit, the interlock helps to isolate a circuit from the whole electrical system. It is often used for safety purposes and to avoid arcing.

Normally we use an interlock system in houses and on the other hand, A generator transfer switch is used in large buildings where multiple circuits are controlled from one switch.

Transfer switches are much more expensive and larger in size as compared to an Interlock system, you can use transfer switches only with a generator setup.

If we compare both, an interlock is a good alternative but not as good as a generator transfer switch. Both switches have their own pros and cons. Interlock can be cheaper but not as reliable as a transfer switch.


What is the difference between a Manual and an Automatic Transfer Switch?

A manual generator transfer switch is connected manually to the generator with your house, the manual switch is normally used in such applications where the power loss is not common.

On the other hand, An Automatic Generator Transfer Switch is installed to connect your generator power supply to your house automatically and is used normally in such applications where power outage is common.

Basically, the automatic transfer switch depends on your generator to transfer power from the utility company to the generator power. It is all done due to the series of sensors that are further in link to the device.

On the other hand, a manual transfer switch always relies on the operator to make it start the transfer from the utility company to generator power. It is done by manually starting the transfer process.


Should I need to get a permit to install a Generator Transfer Switch?

To install a generator transfer switch on the primary service panel you must hold a permit. The expert must follow the local building codes along with the codes of the National Electrical Code i.e., NEC.


Can I Plug a generator directly into the Wall Socket?

Straight No. Generators are specifically designed to be used with extension cords only. If you plug your generator into the socket, it will overload your generator and will lead to shutting down, overheating, and can catch fire.


Final Verdict

In your complete power-generating process, a generator transfer switch plays an important role for safety purposes. If you don’t use a transfer switch, it can be much riskier and can also get fire. On the other hand, if you do not want to spend money on a transfer switch you may go towards a cheaper way.

We hope that this article is beneficial for you!


See Also!

Manufacturing of Yamaha Generators

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