What Is A Generator

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We can trace back the history of a generator to Michael Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic induction, Nikola Tesla’s induction motor, and Werner Von Siemens’ dynamo.

A generator provides electrical power and the power now we are consuming through electrical grids are getting through the electrical generators which are housed in power plants.

What Is A Generator


What is a Generator? How does it Work?

On the other hand, Engine-generator is the subset of generators that we called a generator set of Genset (it is the combination of the engine and a generator).

As the matter of fact, they play an important role in day todays’ power mix because a Genset gives us electricity independently of the grid.


Uses and the Functions of A Generator

Electricity has become a need of the contemporary world. Every second we need a rapid power supply in our homes and business to work properly and function reliably.

No doubt we use electricity to power our computer equipment, to power lights and electronics as well as our HVAC systems.

Hence, electricity is a commodity that is now has been taken for granted because a lot of power grids are making electricity already.

Furthermore, the need for power supply in municipalities becomes vulnerable to failure because of several factors, which include.

  • Weather change.
  • Human Error.
  • System Malfunctions.

We also need to understand that some businesses like communities or new social developments, must work outside of the radius of the power grid.

In such cases, we come to know the primary functional advantage of a generator, which must provide power backup, and which kind of energy takes place in a generator.


Benefits of Generators.

There will hardly be any exaggeration in it if we say that Generators provides an important role in many businesses and homes, which also includes computer and data centers, medical facilities and hospitals, and construction sites.

Most of the benefits are as follows:

  • Generators provide power backup in the incident of a power outage.
  • In businesses, generators seem to be a sound investment and protect companies when there is a power outage which otherwise occurs in financial losses and security risks, even in the case of hospitals, and loss of life as well.
  • We get power to our tools and equipment at remote sites where power grid infrastructure is unavailable.
  • By keeping the HVAC systems properly functioning we get safety in our homes and businesses.
  • In addition to the town’s power grid, it can be stand-alone or also can be connected to the buildings.
  • By having a generator, we produce savings, and we are thankful for its best durability and can charge our phones.
  • At the time of peak grid prices and demand, we switch to backup generator power which also produces savings.


Generator Parts

As the matter of fact, Generators come with the essential parts that provide the feature of turning diesel fuel, gasoline, or solar energy into usable electricity for municipal and industrial buildings, and for commercial and residential purposes.

The best thing is generators do not need a lot of maintenance, but it is also important to keep in mind that major component cases replacement are required are probably needed, or maybe general maintenance will be required.

  • Control Panel – the buttons and multiple switches which control the operation of the generator.
  • Battery Charger – The charging system and the battery are required to start the generator.
  • Alternator – Such component that converts the mechanical energy into electricity.
  • Voltage Regulator – Such a component controls the amount of voltage that is produced by the system and then converts A/C current into D/C current.
  • Engine – the primary component of a generator, powered by natural gas or diesel fuel.
  • Fuel System – it is a storage tank that routes diesel fuel or gas toward the engine.

How Does the Generator Work? Let us Understand The Mechanics

If we need to understand the mechanics of power generators, then we will have to take a vast look at the properties of energy that hold the whole world around us.

Each and everything that we see glows or hums, whether it’s manmade or organically. It performs so by turning or converting one type of energy into another one. As radio converts electric current into sonic energy, The human body takes food and nutrients and converts them into physical energy.

And Even the huge supply of electricity which is normally available to the public is generated from different sources. Let us further have to understand with an Example.

The Dam converts the gravitational pull of water into electrical power to facilitate the surrounding areas. On the other hand, Diesel fuel and gas generators also work under the same rule of principles, they convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.


Generators Work Mostly Like Cars

The phenomenon in which a generator works is almost similar to an automobile, and even the mechanical components also work in the same pattern. in order to initiate and maintain the basic level of energy, a generator uses a heavy-duty and recharging battery which is like our everyday car.

In order to produce mechanical power, The generator is equipped with a fuel tank to supply the engine with the required resources. Most of the generators normally run on the same fuels which are used in automobiles, but there are also options available in the market.

Such generators which are best sellers for households often operate on gasoline, but large industrial generators normally have gas engines and diesel engines. No matter what is the fuel type, it works in coordination with an alternator. It has electrical conductors which work with the engine’s mechanical energy and convert it into beneficial electrical power.


Knowledge of Gas And Diesel Generator Electrical Outputs

The electrical power of the generator’s output is normally measured in kilowatts. It is also a similar term but finds difficult to understand by most people. What is a kilowatt? To understand clearly, refer to the following measurement:

                                                1KW = 1000 watts  where 1watt = 1 joule per second

On the other hand,

                                                I joule = 1 ampere pass through 1 ohm for 1 sec.

Simply, Ohm is a measurement of resistance whereas an ampere is a measurement of electrical charge.

In order to pass through a particular level of resistance, such an amount of work is required for a charge that is actually a joule. To summarize the concept of energy, I would say that the tiny bolts try to push each other to pass through a magnetic field.

When we talk about a generator, its mechanical energy passes the alternator causing an electromagnetic reaction that results in an alternating current that is released as useful electricity.

This is the main reason the plugs on household electronics appliances come up with AC adaptors.

Definitely, you have noticed already that when more charges are capable to pass through the field of resistance per second then that generator will be more powerful.

That’s the reason why the industrial generators are enough large, they allow them to generate the maximum amount of electricity in order to meet the necessary amount of power for heavy-duty machinery and big construction sites.

When people go to have a generator from the market, that must be a backup or primary power source that makes sure that you have bought such product that is fit to your energy needs.


Generator Applications

A few of the common and critical applications for generators are included as follows:

  • Generators provide extra power in hours of high demand.
  • Generators provide power in such areas where we don’t have an infrastructure or electrical grids.
  • Generators make sure of a constant power supply for crucial environments such as laboratories, hospitals, and further medical facilities.
  • Generators provide backup for the data centers and internet service providers.
  • Generators provide the necessary power for remote areas having construction sites and building materials.
  • Generators also provide the necessary power for marine operations as well.
  • Generators play an essential role in the telecom sector to power them in remote areas.
  • Generators supply backup power in disaster areas after hurricanes and storms.

Types of Power Generators.

Basically, generators can be classified as per their fuel type and with the feature of portability, even though they can also be categorized through many further variables.

You may have a look at the portable generators.

Following are the three basic types of generators:

  • Diesel Generators – normally this sort of generator comes in medium and large sized which are used to provide power to buildings and large equipment. They operate using diesel fuel, they provide high efficiency and reliable operation, and the best power.
  • Natural Gas Generators – this sort of generator is seemed to be the best source of power for small operations, and they operate using natural gas.
  • Mobile Generators and portable – these generators are located on trailers and they come up with wheels so they can easily move from one place to another. They operate using gasoline or natural gas and they can also be powered by diesel fuel.
General Maintenance of Generators

As comparatively generators are such simple devices that do need only little maintenance, they don’t need specific types of maintenance. So, we suggest the generator owners follow the preventive maintenance plan and have inspections and repairs as needed.

generator for maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

During preventive maintenance, we check the parts on a generator that work properly before the generator faces or experiences problems. This includes multiple items to make sure that the fuel hose is clear, not leaking, and transferring the correct amount of fuel to the generator engine.

This maintenance also includes lubricating the rotating parts of the generator and making sure that all of the connections are tight and electrical components are not damaged.


Generator Inspections and Repairs

If you see that the generator is not providing the required power or malfunctions, it is time to have inspections and repairs.

Normally the common components that need to be replaced or repaired will be fuel hoses, control panels, engines, battery charging systems, voltage regulators, and batteries. The best thing is that all of the generator components can be easily repaired or changed so that we may have reliable backup power again.

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